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The School Archive was established in January 2005 in Pedagogue’s House and is now based in The Memorial Library. The Archive houses a growing collection of material relating to the history of King Edward VI School, and to that of the students taught and teachers who have worked here. It is an accessible collection, and Old Edwardians visit regularly to consult the records, to identify photographs, or to donate their own memorabilia. The collection is extensive, mainly dating from the 19th century, and contains registers, society minute books, class lists, sporting activities, details of drama and music productions, hundreds of photographs, trophies, awards, reports, blazers, scarves, ties, caps, and every copy of the School magazine, The Stratfordian, from 1893. There is a large collection of books, in which the School features, or that have been written by former students. Earlier records of the School are housed in the Records Office of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust at the Shakespeare Centre in Henley Street. In 2012 the Archive acquired the personal correspondence and manuscripts of Richard Spender (1930-1940). Two books recently published tell the stories of those Old Boys killed during both the First and Second World War. These books are available from the Archive. To learn more about the involvement in WW1 of K.E.S. students visit The Laughing Cavalier is the biography and collected poems of Old Edwardian Richard Spender who was killed in Tunisia in 1943. The book also contains two appreciations of Richard's poetry. Additions to the Archive are always welcome. Should you be able to contribute any items for the safe-keeping, please contact the School Archive. Email: click here for email King Edward VI School Chapel Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6BE |